
Secure File Transfer Protocol: A Robust Solution for Encrypted Data Transmission in Secure Network Environments

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) emerges as a pivotal protocol in the contemporary landscape of secure data transmission, particularly within enterprise-level networks and sensitive computing environments. Rooted in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol suite, SFTP offers a sophisticated and secure mechanism for transferring files between hosts over a network, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data exchanges.

Unlike its predecessor, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), which transmits data in plaintext and lacks built-in encryption mechanisms, SFTP leverages strong cryptographic algorithms to safeguard data during transit. This inherent encryption capability mitigates the risks associated with eavesdropping, data interception, and unauthorized access, thereby providing a fortified layer of security that aligns with stringent compliance requirements and data protection standards.

Some common options for the sftp command in Linux along with descriptions for each option:

Option Description
-P <port> Specifies the port number to connect to on the remote host. Default is 22.
-i <identity_file> Specifies the identity file (private key) for public key authentication.
-b <batchfile> Specifies a batchfile containing sftp commands to execute.
-o <sftp_option> Passes additional options to sftp for configuring the connection (e.g., -o "ProxyJump=user@proxy").
-v Verbose mode; displays debugging messages during the sftp session.
-B <buffer_size> Specifies the buffer size for read/write operations. Default is 32KB.
-F <configfile> Specifies an alternative SSH configuration file.
-C Enables compression during the sftp session.
-r Recursively copies directories and their contents.
-l Lists the contents of the current remote directory.
-m Disables filename globbing characters in file transfers.
-M Enables multiple file transfers in parallel.
-R <remote> Requests that a remote file be copied to the local host.
-S <program> Specifies the program to use for the encrypted connection (default is ssh).
-q Quiet mode; suppresses warning and diagnostic messages.
-d Enables debug mode, providing detailed debug information.
-e Disables filename globbing characters.

Common Options:

The sftp command is used for secure file transfers between hosts over an encrypted SSH transport. The -P <port> option allows you to specify a non-default SSH port number for the sftp connection. This can be useful when the SSH server is listening on a port other than the default port (22).

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -P <port> option:

sftp -P <port>

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host Using Specific SSH Port with SFTP

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp on a specific SSH port (2222):

sftp -P 2222 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host Using Specific SSH Port with SFTP

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp on a specific SSH port (2222):

sftp -P 2222 user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host Using Specific SSH Port with SFTP

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp on a specific SSH port (2222):

sftp -P 2222 user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Connect to Remote Host Using Specific SSH Key and Port with SFTP

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific SSH key (id_rsa) and port (2222):

sftp -P 2222 -i id_rsa user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • -i id_rsa: Specifies the specific SSH key (id_rsa) to use for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 5: List Files on Remote Host Using Specific SSH Port with SFTP

List files in the current directory on a remote host (remote_host) using sftp on a specific SSH port (2222):

sftp -P 2222 user@remote_host:.

In this example:

  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host:.: Specifies the username, remote host, and current directory to list files using sftp.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -P <port> option to specify a non-default SSH port number for the sftp connection. The -P <port> option provides flexibility and customization, enabling you to establish secure file transfers using sftp over alternative SSH port numbers based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -i <identity_file>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -i <identity_file> option specifies a private key file to use for authentication instead of the default SSH key file.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -i <identity_file> option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host Using Specific Identity File with SFTP

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication:

sftp -i id_rsa_custom user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host Using Specific Identity File with SFTP

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication:

sftp -i id_rsa_custom user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host Using Specific Identity File with SFTP

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication:

sftp -i id_rsa_custom user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Connect to Remote Host Using Specific Identity File and Port with SFTP

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) and port (2222) for authentication:

sftp -i id_rsa_custom -P 2222 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • -P 2222: Specifies the specific SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host Using Specific Identity File and Non-Standard SSH Port with SFTP

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) and non-standard SSH port (2222) for authentication:

sftp -i id_rsa_custom -oPort=2222 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • -oPort=2222: Specifies the non-standard SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -i <identity_file> option to specify a private key file for authentication with sftp. The -i <identity_file> option provides flexibility and customization, enabling you to establish secure file transfers using sftp with specific private key files based on your authentication requirements and environment.

sftp -b <batchfile>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -b <batchfile> option allows you to specify a batch file containing a sequence of sftp commands to be executed in non-interactive mode.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -b <batchfile> option:

Example 1: Execute Single SFTP Command from Batch File

Create a batch file named commands.txt containing a single get command to download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host):

echo "get example.txt" > commands.txt

Then, execute the sftp command using the batch file:

sftp -b commands.txt user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -b commands.txt: Specifies the batch file commands.txt containing the get command to download example.txt.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands from Batch File

Create a batch file named commands.txt containing multiple sftp commands to download multiple files and directories from a remote host (remote_host):

echo "get example1.txt" > commands.txt
echo "get example2.txt" >> commands.txt
echo "get -r directory/" >> commands.txt

Then, execute the sftp command using the batch file:

sftp -b commands.txt user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -b commands.txt: Specifies the batch file commands.txt containing multiple sftp commands to download files and directories.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Execute SFTP Commands with Different Paths from Batch File

Create a batch file named commands.txt containing sftp commands to download files from different paths on a remote host (remote_host):

echo "get /path/to/file1.txt" > commands.txt
echo "get /path/to/file2.txt" >> commands.txt

Then, execute the sftp command using the batch file:

sftp -b commands.txt user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -b commands.txt: Specifies the batch file commands.txt containing sftp commands with different paths to download specific files.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 4: Execute SFTP Commands with Authentication from Batch File

Create a batch file named commands.txt containing sftp commands to upload files to a remote host (remote_host) using a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication:

echo "put example1.txt" > commands.txt
echo "put example2.txt" >> commands.txt

Then, execute the sftp command using the batch file and specify the private key for authentication:

sftp -b commands.txt -i id_rsa_custom user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -b commands.txt: Specifies the batch file commands.txt containing sftp commands to upload files.
  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 5: Execute SFTP Commands with Non-Standard SSH Port from Batch File

Create a batch file named commands.txt containing sftp commands to download files from a remote host (remote_host) using a non-standard SSH port (2222):

echo "get example1.txt" > commands.txt
echo "get example2.txt" >> commands.txt

Then, execute the sftp command using the batch file and specify the non-standard SSH port:

sftp -b commands.txt -oPort=2222 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -b commands.txt: Specifies the batch file commands.txt containing sftp commands to download files.
  • -oPort=2222: Specifies the non-standard SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -b <batchfile> option to specify a batch file containing a sequence of sftp commands to be executed in non-interactive mode. The -b <batchfile> option provides flexibility and automation, enabling you to perform multiple sftp operations using a single batch file based on your specific file transfer requirements and environment.

sftp -o <sftp_option>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -o '<sftp_option>' option allows you to pass additional SSH options to the underlying SSH client used by sftp.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -o '<sftp_option>' option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host with Non-Standard SSH Port

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a non-standard SSH port (2222):

sftp -oPort=2222 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -oPort=2222: Specifies the non-standard SSH port 2222 for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Connect to Remote Host with Specific Identity File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication:

sftp -oIdentityFile=id_rsa_custom user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -oIdentityFile=id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Connect to Remote Host with Specific Cipher

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific cipher (aes256-cbc):

sftp -oCiphers=aes256-cbc user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -oCiphers=aes256-cbc: Specifies the specific cipher (aes256-cbc) to use for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 4: Connect to Remote Host with Specific MAC (Message Authentication Code)

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific MAC (hmac-sha2-256):

sftp -oMACs=hmac-sha2-256 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -oMACs=hmac-sha2-256: Specifies the specific MAC (hmac-sha2-256) to use for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -o option to pass additional SSH options.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -o '<sftp_option>' option to pass additional SSH options to the underlying SSH client used by sftp. The -o '<sftp_option>' option provides flexibility and customization, enabling you to configure various aspects of the SSH connection for sftp based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -v

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -v option enables verbose mode, providing detailed debugging information during the sftp session, which can be useful for troubleshooting connection issues or understanding the transfer process.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -v option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host in Verbose Mode

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in verbose mode to display detailed debugging information:

sftp -v user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -v: Enables verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host in Verbose Mode

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in verbose mode to display detailed debugging information:

sftp -v user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -v: Enables verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host in Verbose Mode

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in verbose mode to display detailed debugging information:

sftp -v user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -v: Enables verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands in Verbose Mode

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) in verbose mode to display detailed debugging information:

sftp -v user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -v: Enables verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Specific Identity File in Verbose Mode

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific private key (id_rsa_custom) for authentication in verbose mode to display detailed debugging information:

sftp -v -i id_rsa_custom user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -v: Enables verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session.
  • -i id_rsa_custom: Specifies the specific private key file (id_rsa_custom) for authentication with sftp.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -v option to enable verbose mode, displaying detailed debugging information during the sftp session. The -v option provides visibility into the sftp connection and transfer process, facilitating troubleshooting and understanding of the file transfer operations based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -B <buffer_size>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -B <buffer_size> option allows you to specify the buffer size for file transfers during the sftp session, which can help optimize the performance of data transfers.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -B <buffer_size> option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host with Specific Buffer Size

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific buffer size of 32768 bytes (32 KB):

sftp -B 32768 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -B 32768: Specifies the buffer size of 32768 bytes (32 KB) for file transfers during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host with Specific Buffer Size

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific buffer size of 65536 bytes (64 KB):

sftp -B 65536 user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -B 65536: Specifies the buffer size of 65536 bytes (64 KB) for file transfers during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host with Specific Buffer Size

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific buffer size of 131072 bytes (128 KB):

sftp -B 131072 user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -B 131072: Specifies the buffer size of 131072 bytes (128 KB) for file transfers during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands with Specific Buffer Size

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) with a specific buffer size of 262144 bytes (256 KB):

sftp -B 262144 user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -B 262144: Specifies the buffer size of 262144 bytes (256 KB) for file transfers during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Maximum Buffer Size

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with the maximum buffer size supported by the sftp client:

sftp -B 1048576 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -B 1048576: Specifies the maximum buffer size of 1048576 bytes (1 MB) supported by the sftp client for file transfers during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -B <buffer_size> option to specify the buffer size for file transfers during the sftp session. The -B <buffer_size> option provides flexibility to optimize the performance of sftp file transfers by adjusting the buffer size based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -F <configfile>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -F <configfile> option allows you to specify an alternative configuration file for the sftp client, which can be useful for customizing the behavior of the SSH client used by sftp.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -F <configfile> option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands with Specific SSH Configuration File

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) using a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Default SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with the default SSH configuration file (~/.ssh/config):

sftp -F ~/.ssh/config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -F ~/.ssh/config: Specifies the default SSH configuration file (~/.ssh/config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -F <configfile> option to specify an alternative SSH configuration file for the sftp client. The -F <configfile> option provides flexibility and customization, enabling you to configure various aspects of the SSH connection for sftp based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -C

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -C option enables compression during the sftp session, which can help reduce the amount of data transferred over the network and improve the performance of file transfers, especially when transferring large files or directories.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -C option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host with Compression Enabled

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with compression enabled:

sftp -C user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host with Compression Enabled

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with compression enabled:

sftp -C user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host with Compression Enabled

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with compression enabled:

sftp -C user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file using sftp.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands with Compression Enabled

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) with compression enabled:

sftp -C user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Compression Enabled and Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with compression enabled and a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -C -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -C option to enable compression during the sftp session. The -C option provides a way to optimize the performance of sftp file transfers by reducing the amount of data transferred over the network, especially when dealing with large files or directories, based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -r

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -r option enables recursive mode, allowing you to transfer directories and their contents recursively between the local and remote systems.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -r option:

Example 1: Download Directory from Remote Host Recursively

Download a directory named remote_directory from a remote host (remote_host) recursively to the local system:

sftp -r user@remote_host:remote_directory /local/path/

In this example:

  • -r: Enables recursive mode to transfer directories and their contents recursively.
  • user@remote_host:remote_directory: Specifies the username, remote host, and directory to download recursively using sftp.
  • /local/path/: Specifies the local path where the remote_directory and its contents will be downloaded.

Example 2: Upload Directory to Remote Host Recursively

Upload a directory named local_directory from the local system to a remote host (remote_host) recursively:

sftp -r /local/path/local_directory user@remote_host:/remote/path/

In this example:

  • -r: Enables recursive mode to transfer directories and their contents recursively.
  • /local/path/local_directory: Specifies the local directory to upload recursively using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/remote/path/: Specifies the username, remote host, and path where the local_directory and its contents will be uploaded.

Example 3: Download Multiple Directories from Remote Host Recursively

Download multiple directories (dir1, dir2, dir3) from a remote host (remote_host) recursively to the local system:

sftp -r user@remote_host:dir1 user@remote_host:dir2 user@remote_host:dir3 /local/path/

In this example:

  • -r: Enables recursive mode to transfer directories and their contents recursively.
  • user@remote_host:dir1 user@remote_host:dir2 user@remote_host:dir3: Specifies the usernames, remote host, and directories to download recursively using sftp.
  • /local/path/: Specifies the local path where the dir1, dir2, and dir3 and their contents will be downloaded.

Example 4: Upload Multiple Directories to Remote Host Recursively

Upload multiple directories (dir1, dir2, dir3) from the local system to a remote host (remote_host) recursively:

sftp -r /local/path/dir1 /local/path/dir2 /local/path/dir3 user@remote_host:/remote/path/

In this example:

  • -r: Enables recursive mode to transfer directories and their contents recursively.
  • /local/path/dir1 /local/path/dir2 /local/path/dir3: Specifies the local directories to upload recursively using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/remote/path/: Specifies the username, remote host, and path where the dir1, dir2, and dir3 and their contents will be uploaded.

Example 5: Download Directory from Remote Host Recursively with Compression Enabled

Download a directory named remote_directory from a remote host (remote_host) recursively to the local system with compression enabled:

sftp -Cr user@remote_host:remote_directory /local/path/

In this example:

  • -r: Enables recursive mode to transfer directories and their contents recursively.
  • -C: Enables compression during the sftp session to reduce the amount of data transferred over the network.
  • user@remote_host:remote_directory: Specifies the username, remote host, and directory to download recursively using sftp.
  • /local/path/: Specifies the local path where the remote_directory and its contents will be downloaded.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -r option to enable recursive mode for transferring directories and their contents recursively between the local and remote systems. The -r option provides a convenient way to transfer entire directory structures, preserving the hierarchy and permissions, based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -l

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -l option allows you to limit the bandwidth used during the sftp session, which can be useful when you want to control the amount of network bandwidth consumed by the file transfers.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -l option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host with Bandwidth Limit

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a bandwidth limit of 50KB/s:

sftp -l 50 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -l 50: Specifies the bandwidth limit of 50KB/s for the sftp connection using the -l option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host with Bandwidth Limit

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a bandwidth limit of 100KB/s:

sftp -l 100 user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -l 100: Specifies the bandwidth limit of 100KB/s for the sftp connection using the -l option.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and path of the file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host with Bandwidth Limit

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a bandwidth limit of 200KB/s:

sftp -l 200 example.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -l 200: Specifies the bandwidth limit of 200KB/s for the sftp connection using the -l option.
  • example.txt: Specifies the local file to upload using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands with Bandwidth Limit

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) with a bandwidth limit of 150KB/s:

sftp -l 150 user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -l 150: Specifies the bandwidth limit of 150KB/s for the sftp connection using the -l option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with Bandwidth Limit and Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a bandwidth limit of 75KB/s and a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -l 75 -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -l 75: Specifies the bandwidth limit of 75KB/s for the sftp connection using the -l option.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -l option to specify a bandwidth limit for the sftp session. The -l option provides flexibility to control the amount of network bandwidth consumed by the file transfers, enabling you to manage network resources more efficiently based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -m

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -m option enables remote file mask matching during the sftp session, which can be useful when you want to transfer multiple files based on a specific pattern or mask.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -m option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host and Match Files by Extension

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and match files with a .txt extension for download:

sftp -m "*.txt" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -m "*.txt": Specifies the file mask matching pattern to match files with a .txt extension for download during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download Files Matching Pattern from Remote Host

Download files matching a specific pattern file_pattern* from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp:

sftp -m "file_pattern*" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -m "file_pattern*": Specifies the file mask matching pattern to match files with names starting with file_pattern for download during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Upload Files Matching Pattern to Remote Host

Upload files matching a specific pattern *.log from the local system to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp:

sftp -m "*.log" /local/path/* user@remote_host:/remote/path/

In this example:

  • -m "*.log": Specifies the file mask matching pattern to match files with a .log extension for upload during the sftp session.
  • /local/path/*: Specifies the local files matching the pattern to upload using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/remote/path/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the matched files.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands with File Mask Matching

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files matching a specific pattern from and to a remote host (remote_host):

sftp -m "file_pattern*" user@remote_host <<EOF
get file_pattern1.txt
put file_pattern2.log

In this example:

  • -m "file_pattern*": Specifies the file mask matching pattern to match files with names starting with file_pattern for download during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files matching the pattern.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host with File Mask Matching and Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with file mask matching and a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -m "*.txt" -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -m "*.txt": Specifies the file mask matching pattern to match files with a .txt extension for download during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -m option to enable file mask matching for transferring multiple files based on specific patterns or masks during the sftp session. The -m option provides flexibility to match and transfer files efficiently based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -M

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -M option enables remote host mode during the sftp session, which can be useful when you want to connect to a remote host through another host (jump host or proxy) without directly connecting to it.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -M option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host Through Jump Host

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) through a jump host (jump_host) using sftp with remote host mode enabled:

sftp -M user@jump_host:remote_host

In this example:

  • -M: Enables remote host mode to connect to remote_host through jump_host during the sftp session.
  • user@jump_host:remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host to connect through (jump_host) and the target remote host (remote_host) for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Download File from Remote Host Through Jump Host

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) through a jump host (jump_host) using sftp with remote host mode enabled:

sftp -M user@jump_host:remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -M: Enables remote host mode to connect to remote_host through jump_host during the sftp session.
  • user@jump_host:remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, jump host, remote host, and file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Upload File to Remote Host Through Jump Host

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) through a jump host (jump_host) using sftp with remote host mode enabled:

sftp -M example.txt user@jump_host:remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -M: Enables remote host mode to connect to remote_host through jump_host during the sftp session.
  • example.txt: Specifies the local file to upload using sftp.
  • user@jump_host:remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, jump host, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands Through Jump Host

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) through a jump host (jump_host) using sftp with remote host mode enabled:

sftp -M user@jump_host:remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -M: Enables remote host mode to connect to remote_host through jump_host during the sftp session.
  • user@jump_host:remote_host: Specifies the username, jump host, and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Connect to Remote Host Through Jump Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) through a jump host (jump_host) using sftp with remote host mode enabled and a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -M -F custom_ssh_config user@jump_host:remote_host

In this example:

  • -M: Enables remote host mode to connect to remote_host through jump_host during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@jump_host:remote_host: Specifies the username, jump host, and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -M option to enable remote host mode for connecting to a remote host through another host (jump host or proxy) during the sftp session. The -M option provides flexibility to establish secure file transfers through intermediate hosts based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -R <remote>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -R option enables remote-to-local port forwarding during the sftp session, allowing you to forward a port from the remote server to your local machine.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -R option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host and Forward Remote Port to Local Machine

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and forward a remote port 8080 to your local machine (localhost) on port 9090:

sftp -R 9090:localhost:8080 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -R 9090:localhost:8080: Specifies the remote-to-local port forwarding to forward port 8080 from remote_host to port 9090 on your local machine (localhost) during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Connect to Remote Host and Forward Multiple Remote Ports to Local Machine

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and forward multiple remote ports (8080, 9090, 10000) to your local machine (localhost) on corresponding ports (8081, 9091, 10001):

sftp -R 8081:localhost:8080 -R 9091:localhost:9090 -R 10001:localhost:10000 user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -R 8081:localhost:8080 -R 9091:localhost:9090 -R 10001:localhost:10000: Specifies multiple remote-to-local port forwarding rules to forward ports from remote_host to corresponding ports on your local machine (localhost) during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Connect to Remote Host and Forward Remote Port to Local Machine with Specific SSH Key

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp, forward a remote port 8080 to your local machine (localhost) on port 9090, and use a specific SSH key (custom_key.pem) for authentication:

sftp -R 9090:localhost:8080 -i custom_key.pem user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -R 9090:localhost:8080: Specifies the remote-to-local port forwarding to forward port 8080 from remote_host to port 9090 on your local machine (localhost) during the sftp session.
  • -i custom_key.pem: Specifies the specific SSH private key (custom_key.pem) to use for authentication during the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 4: Connect to Remote Host and Forward Remote Port to Local Machine with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp, forward a remote port 8080 to your local machine (localhost) on port 9090, and use a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -R 9090:localhost:8080 -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -R 9090:localhost:8080: Specifies the remote-to-local port forwarding to forward port 8080 from remote_host to port 9090 on your local machine (localhost) during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -R option to enable remote-to-local port forwarding during the sftp session. The -R option provides flexibility to forward specific ports from a remote server to your local machine, allowing you to access remote services securely based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -S <program>

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -S option allows you to specify a program (proxy command) to use for the encrypted connection to the sftp server, which can be useful when you want to establish a connection through a proxy server or use a custom program to handle the connection.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -S <program> option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host Using Proxy Command

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a proxy command (nc - netcat) to establish the connection through a proxy server (proxy_host:proxy_port):

sftp -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p": Specifies the proxy command to use (nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p) for establishing the connection through a proxy server during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Connect to Remote Host Using Custom Program

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a custom program ( to handle the encrypted connection to the server:

sftp -S "./" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -S "./": Specifies the custom program ( to use for handling the encrypted connection to the sftp server during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Connect to Remote Host Using Proxy Command with Specific SSH Key

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a proxy command (nc - netcat) to establish the connection through a proxy server (proxy_host:proxy_port) and use a specific SSH key (custom_key.pem) for authentication:

sftp -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p" -i custom_key.pem user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p": Specifies the proxy command to use (nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p) for establishing the connection through a proxy server during the sftp session.
  • -i custom_key.pem: Specifies the specific SSH private key (custom_key.pem) to use for authentication during the sftp connection.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 4: Connect to Remote Host Using Proxy Command with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp with a proxy command (nc - netcat) to establish the connection through a proxy server (proxy_host:proxy_port) and use a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p" -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -S "nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p": Specifies the proxy command to use (nc -x proxy_host:proxy_port %h %p) for establishing the connection through a proxy server during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -S <program> option to specify a program (proxy command) for handling the encrypted connection to the sftp server. The -S option provides flexibility to establish sftp connections through proxy servers or custom programs based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -q

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -q option is used to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session, making the output more concise and quiet.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -q option:

Example 1: Quiet Mode Connection to Remote Host

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in quiet mode:

sftp -q user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -q: Enables quiet mode to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Quiet Mode Download File from Remote Host

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in quiet mode:

sftp -q user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -q: Enables quiet mode to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Quiet Mode Upload File to Remote Host

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in quiet mode:

sftp -q example.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -q: Enables quiet mode to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session.
  • example.txt: Specifies the local file to upload using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands in Quiet Mode

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) in quiet mode:

sftp -q user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -q: Enables quiet mode to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Quiet Mode Connection to Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in quiet mode and specify a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -q -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -q: Enables quiet mode to suppress the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -q option to enable quiet mode for suppressing the progress meter and non-error messages during the sftp session. The -q option provides a more concise and quiet output, which can be useful for automated scripts or when you prefer a less verbose output based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -d

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -d option specifies the debug mode, which enables debugging messages to be printed during the sftp session. This can be useful for troubleshooting connection or transfer issues.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -d option:

Example 1: Debug Mode Connection to Remote Host

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in debug mode:

sftp -d user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -d: Enables debug mode to print debugging messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Debug Mode Download File from Remote Host

Download a file named example.txt from a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in debug mode:

sftp -d user@remote_host:example.txt

In this example:

  • -d: Enables debug mode to print debugging messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host:example.txt: Specifies the username, remote host, and file to download using sftp.

Example 3: Debug Mode Upload File to Remote Host

Upload a file named example.txt to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in debug mode:

sftp -d example.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/

In this example:

  • -d: Enables debug mode to print debugging messages during the sftp session.
  • example.txt: Specifies the local file to upload using sftp.
  • user@remote_host:/path/to/destination/: Specifies the username, remote host, and destination path on the remote host to upload the file.

Example 4: Execute Multiple SFTP Commands in Debug Mode

Execute multiple sftp commands to download and upload files from and to a remote host (remote_host) in debug mode:

sftp -d user@remote_host <<EOF
get example1.txt
put example2.txt

In this example:

  • -d: Enables debug mode to print debugging messages during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.
  • <<EOF ... EOF: Allows executing multiple sftp commands in a here-document to download and upload files.

Example 5: Debug Mode Connection to Remote Host with Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp in debug mode and specify a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -d -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -d: Enables debug mode to print debugging messages during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -d option to enable debug mode for printing debugging messages during the sftp session. The -d option is useful for troubleshooting connection or transfer issues by providing detailed debugging information based on your specific requirements and environment.

sftp -e

The sftp command in Linux allows for secure file transfers over SSH. The -e option specifies a program to use as the editor for editing files during the sftp session. This can be useful when you want to edit remote files using a specific editor.

Here are some advanced examples demonstrating the usage of sftp with the -e option:

Example 1: Connect to Remote Host and Edit File Using Vim

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and specify vim as the editor to edit files:

sftp -e vim user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -e vim: Specifies vim as the editor to use for editing files during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 2: Connect to Remote Host and Edit File Using Nano

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and specify nano as the editor to edit files:

sftp -e nano user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -e nano: Specifies nano as the editor to use for editing files during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 3: Edit Remote File Using Custom Editor

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp and specify a custom editor ( to edit files:

sftp -e "./" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -e "./": Specifies a custom editor ( to use for editing files during the sftp session.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 4: Edit Remote File Using Specific SSH Configuration File

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp, specify vim as the editor, and use a specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config):

sftp -e vim -F custom_ssh_config user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -e vim: Specifies vim as the editor to use for editing files during the sftp session.
  • -F custom_ssh_config: Specifies the specific SSH configuration file (custom_ssh_config) to use for the sftp connection using the -F option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

Example 5: Edit Remote File and Preserve File Attributes

Connect to a remote host (remote_host) using sftp, specify vim as the editor, and preserve the file attributes during editing:

sftp -e vim -o "AttributeBits preserve" user@remote_host

In this example:

  • -e vim: Specifies vim as the editor to use for editing files during the sftp session.
  • -o "AttributeBits preserve": Specifies to preserve the file attributes during editing using the -o option.
  • user@remote_host: Specifies the username and remote host for the sftp connection.

These examples demonstrate how to use the sftp command with the -e option to specify a program (editor) for editing files during the sftp session. The -e option provides flexibility to edit remote files using your preferred editor or a custom program based on your specific requirements and environment.

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